In English our full name would be Foundation for Fish Stock Management in the river Geul & Tributaries.
The source of the river Geul (-Dutch, German Göhl, French Gueule) is located in north eastern Belgium near the German border, after flowing 20 km the river enters the Netherlands, where it flows another 37 km to join the river Meuse. The catchment area of the Geul is the habitat of a large number of rare and endangered species and therefore a protected Natura 2000 site. The river and its many tributaries are of vital importance to the surrounding areas, which are increasingly controlled by nature minded organizations and, if possible, given back to nature. Due to adequate water management and the reduction and prevention of pollution, the Geul now has a very promising future again.
Our foundation was born out of collaboration between all 11 Dutch fishing organizations in the basin of the river Geul. As sport fishing in a protected area is not evident, we require the limited number of anglers to practice their hobby with utmost environmental awareness. More than 30 km of the Dutch part of the Geul (upstream from the municipality of Meerssen) is protected by law, fishing is only allowed from 1 April till 30 September, practicing catch and release with artificial bait on a single barbless hook.
We aim to share our knowledge of the water and work closely together with the authorities (water management and province) and conservation organizations that manage the catchment area of the Geul. It is our task to make a fish stock management plan that meets the requirements of all parties involved. With our enthusiastic volunteers we spend a lot of time studying species by monitoring their quantity (by electronic fishing), habitat and behaviour, like migration and reproduction. The species brown trout and grayling are supported by our reintroduction programs, stocking only juvenile fish from local caught or genetic correct parent fish. Furthermore we carry out various small habitat improvements. For our work we rely on financial support from managers of the basin of the Geul and sponsorship.
You can contact us by sending an e-mail to our board.